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Partners, catalyst, impact.

Five Step Process


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Define the Challenge

We will get to understand your challenge from all perspectives and ensure clarity on what it is preventing you from achieving.

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Articulate the Ambition

What are we trying to do, by when and how to get there? How will we know we have succeeded? (have no fear, we will set up a nice dashboard)

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Project Team

You plus us. You are the world's leading expert on your organisation and we are professional problem solvers. Collaboratively, we will build a sustainable solution.

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Implement and Test

We will get deep into the details. We develop, test and refine solutions until we have what works.

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Launch and Leave!

We want to make ourselves redundant as quickly as possible. We will provide tapered ongoing support, as needed, to make sure a truly sustainable solution is in place

Ready for social change?
Maximize social impact with us.

Get to Know Us

Picanto Partners works to maximise social impact. We do this by supporting organisations to achieve consistent, world-class execution. We work with social innovators leading charities and social businesses to overcome execution challenges and achieve their full potential. We get deep into the details in two ways: through consulting projects where we share the risk with a payment-by-result model; and by taking equity stakes in social enterprises and being part of the team.

Testimonials from Clients

"Partnering with Picanto has opened my eyes as a fashion designer and as an entrepreneur." 

Tony Toinette Designs

Our Partners 

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